PICTURES: Bands: 1970-1973

Local band Chameleon pictured in January 1970. From left: Mark Anders, Miney Rye, Brian Skelley and Clive Anders (37768825)

JERSEY has produced many bands over the years and welcomed visiting talent. In the third in an occasional series, here are a few of the groups that graced the stage in the early 1970s.

Retrospec at the Milano Bars on 14 November 1972 (37768871)

Local band Retrospec had only been in existence a month when this photo was taken at the Milano Bars on 14 November 1972, but the JEP reported that they were already acquiring plenty of fans at the venue’s new disco at L’Etacq. They played “heavier” music, including songs by Jethro Tull and Deep Purple. The band comprised: Trev Frain (bassist), Peter Pinel (drummer), Andy Fells (guitarist/vocalist) and Terry Oliver (guitarist/vocalist).

Shaggrat at the Watersplash in January 1972. From left: Leon Channing, John Stopher, Alex Johnstone, Roger Norman and Brian Noel (37768746)

Fifty people had to be turned away as the venue was full, such was the interest in the debut gig by Shaggrat at the Watersplash in January 1972. The band, which had formed out of the ashes of Honk, played “heavy rock you can dance to” and featured original members organist Roger Norman, guitarist Brian Noel and drummer John Stopher.

The Profile at The Flamingo on 4 October 1970 (37768791)

The Profile made a foray into cabaret on 4 October 1970 before an invited audience at The Flamingo, a disco at the Ritz Hotel, Colomberie. Lead singer Trevor (far left) began with a recitation of Roger McGough poems before the band launched into a rapid run-through of the previous 15 years of pop, from Bill Haley to the Beatles. The gig was a success and the services of the band were offered free to anyone who booked the venue for a party or wedding reception.

All-female band The She Trinity in 1970 (37768846)

All-female band The She Trinity played Jersey in 1970 for the first time since supporting The Hollies here in 1966. The She Trinity were a British/Canadian group who formed in 1965. They released singles including He Fought The Law and Hair and went through a number of line-ups before splitting in 1970/71. The final line-up was Eileen Woodman (keyboards), Inger Jonnsson (guitar), Robyn Yorke and bass player Pauline Moran – who went on to play Miss Lemon in Agatha Christie’s Poirot with David Suchet.

Bunker Hill rehearse at Bal Tabarin in January 1973. Left: Basil Le Riche, Dave Medder, Les Falle and Derek Culshaw (37768938)

Bunker Hill rehearse together with a canine friend at Bal Tabarin in January 1973. The band, which formed in 1971, have continued making music together over the years, despite Bas emigrating to Australia. Derek passed away in 2019, but Les and Dave revived the band in his memory for a gig last September.

  • For great temps passé pictures and stories see this weekend’s JEP

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