In Pictures: Harry sees young Royal Marines put through paces

In Pictures: Harry sees young Royal Marines put through paces

The Duke of Sussex make a dramatic helicopter entrance when he met Royal Marines recruits for the first time as their Captain General.

Harry, who took over the prestigious role from the Duke of Edinburgh, was flown to the Royal Marines’ Commando Training Centre in Devon to learn how young men become marines.

Duke of Sussex
The Duke of Sussex arrived at the centre in Lympstone near Exeter in a Royal Navy Wildcat, a maritime attack helicopter from the Commando Helicopter Force (Chris Jackson/PA)

Royal visit
The duke chats to commandos (Chris Jackson/PA)

Royal visit
He was reluctant to have a go at the obstacle course (Chris Jackson/PA)

Royal visit
The Duke of Sussex met Matt Drake, who suffered an injury in the Middle East and is now supported by the Royal Marines Charity (Chris Jackson/PA)

Royal visit
Harry greets William Prosser and his father, Royal Marine Kieran Prosser (Chris Jackson/PA)

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