Man aged 101 returns home after hospital treatment for coronavirus

Man aged 101 returns home after hospital treatment for coronavirus

A 101-year-old man has returned home after being treated in hospital for coronavirus.

Keith Watson was admitted to the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch for surgery last month and tested positive for Covid-19.

But he was discharged on Wednesday and a post celebrating the recovery from the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has been shared thousands of times on Facebook.

It said: “This is Keith, he’s 101 years old.

“He went home today after beating Coronavirus.

“Well done to everyone on Ward 12 at the Alexandra Hospital for looking after Keith so well for the past two weeks!”

She added: “We didn’t know anything about this Facebook page until a member of the family had it pop up and it’s gone a bit mad.

“He was in hospital having taken a tumble at his care home and needed surgery and that was a big enough ordeal at 101, but he got through that.

“Having gone in for the operation is one thing and then when we learnt he was tested positive we were thinking the worst… but he’s amazing for his age.”

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