What the papers say – October 1

What the papers say – October 1

Boris Johnson’s call-to-arms to help the nation get through the pandemic’s resurgence dominates Thursday’s front pages.

The Daily Express, The Daily Telegraph and Metro report on the PM urging Britons to “stick together” to halt a second wave of coronavirus, adding lockdowns are “the only way” of defeating the virus.

The Financial Times leads with Mr Johnson’s comments that he “will not hesitate” to impose new restrictions in future.

Meanwhile, the i reports ministers understand the need to make virus rules simpler, with plans to implement a “three-tier” system currently under consideration.

The Daily Mail leads with the contrast between the PM’s message and the Bank of England chief’s economic optimism.

Elsewhere, The Times reports the Government is considering processing asylum seekers on disused ships moored off the coast, while The Guardian says Moldova, Morocco and Papua New Guinea have also been proposed as locations for offshore detention centres.

The Daily Mirror leads with an image of Mr Johnson’s father Stanley shopping without a mask, as the paper asks “So when’s your dad getting fined then, Boris?”

The Independent carries a follow-up to the story of a surgeon who stockpiled body parts for 25 years.

And the Daily Star says panic buyers have been stocking up on Christmas puddings.

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