Supermarket reports soaring sales of mashed potato – with new mash factory built

Mashed potato sales have soared at a UK supermarket, with a new multi-million-pound mash factory opening to help meet demand.

Tesco said its shoppers bought one million more packs of fresh ready-made mash in 2023 than in 2022.

Branston’s site near Lincoln, seen from above. (Branston/ PA)
Branston’s site near Lincoln, seen from above (Branston/ PA)

However, as lockdown ended and more people returned to work, demand for fresh ready-made mash began to rise again.

Demand increased further through the cost-of-living crisis, with mash seen as an inexpensive and homely old favourite.

Tesco said it has worked with Branston, one of the UK’s largest potato suppliers, on new gourmet mash recipes and that Branston has opened a new mash factory.

Mashed potato being made at Branston’s new multi-million pound mash factory near Lincoln. (Andy Weekes/ Branston/ PA)
Mashed potato being made at Branston’s new multi-million-pound mash factory near Lincoln (Andy Weekes/ Branston/ PA)

While Tesco said that regular mashed potato is by far its most popular variety, demand for sweet potato mash has rocketed by more than 100% in 2023 versus 2022.

Tesco prepared produce buying manager Alex Edwards said: “Britain’s millions of mash fans should be very excited by the news as our chefs have worked with Branston to excite existing recipes.

“What we’re planning to do is to take the mash-eating experience to the next level and make it more of a gourmet food that you’d find in an upmarket restaurant.”

Potatoes being harvested for Branston. (Branston/ PA)
Potatoes being harvested for Branston (Branston/ PA)

Branston chief executive Jim Windle said: “We are proud and very excited to have brought the latest world-class food manufacturing technology alongside restaurant quality recipe design to uplift and elevate one of Britain’s best-loved foods.

“Mash is one of Britain’s favourite comfort foods that needed a 21st-century makeover to delight and inspire customers across the new range.”

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