You need to see this video of a man playing Toto’s Africa to his baby girl

If you are the parent of a newborn, you’ll know that sleepless nights are kind of part of the package.

For help with your fussing baby, you may want to take a leaf out of this musician’s book and play your baby to sleep.

The man behind Songs For My Daughter, who lives in California and wished not to be named, told the Press Association: “Usually when she gets fussy in the middle of the night, I’ll go to the piano and play it for her and most of the time it calms her down and gets her back to sleep. I’ll usually post the video of it the next day.”

His first video featured the adorable little girl when she was just 31 days old.

For his latest video, he decided to try out his daughter’s taste for other instruments, compiling an incredible version of Toto’s 1982 hit Africa featuring guitar, bongos, a drum kit and a selection of other instruments.

It turns out musicality runs through this family. His elder daughter and the girls’ mother also play to the baby to chill her out.

This video may be heartwarming, but there are more reasons to subscribe to his YouTube Channel – he’s got big plans.

“I’m going to keep posting more songs and I think it’ll be interesting to be able to see her grow up over the years in the videos. We also have an amazing idea for a new video, but it’s quite complicated and going to take some time to finish, so stay tuned.”

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