This daft pupper’s crisp-related accident will make you chuckle

This daft pupper’s crisp-related accident will make you chuckle

A golden retriever puppy is having a taste of internet fame after an accident involving a small flight of stairs and a packet of crisps.

Champ, who is 14 weeks old, was filmed with his head trapped in a crisp packet, taking a tumble down some steps. Don’t worry, he was totally fine after the incident.

Caitlin Wernentin and her boyfriend Austin Miller own Champ together and say he’s a wonderful pooch.

“He is so fun and always a smiley puppy and is very well cared for,” Caitlin told the Press Association.

“He loves tummy scratches and napping.”

He’s an adorable pup, teaching the internet a lesson. Don’t leave rubbish around dogs – they’ll make mischief!

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