Puppet plays mother as zookeepers hatch plan to save endangered magpie

Puppet plays mother as zookeepers hatch plan to save endangered magpie

Zookeepers in the Czech Republic have turned to a puppet in an effort to save the critically-endangered Javan green magpie.

Officials saved one egg after the parents threw a second out of their nest.

The magpie chick which hatched a month ago is being kept in a box and fed using a puppet that imitates a parent bird.

A keeper closes a box after feeding an endangered Javan green magpie (Petr David Josek/AP)
A keeper closes a box after feeding an endangered Javan green magpie (Petr David Josek/AP)

Mr Vaidl said the puppet does not have to be a perfect imitation of an adult bird because the baby responds to certain signals, such as a red beak, black patches around the eyes and a bright green background.

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