Migrants head to Mexico City to regroup ahead of bid to cross US border

Migrants head to Mexico City to regroup ahead of bid to cross US border

A big group of Central Americans pushed on toward Mexico City from a coastal state, planning to exit a part of the country that has long been treacherous for migrants seeking to get to the United States.

At a gymnasium in Cordoba, about 1,000 members of a migrant caravan that has been moving northward through Mexico voted to try to get to the capital on Monday by walking and hitching rides.

Cordoba is 178 miles from the capital by the shortest route, which would be the group’s longest single-day journey yet since they began more than three weeks ago.

Central America Migrant Caravan
A man sleeps while other Central American migrants pick up donated clothes (Rodrigo Abd/AP)

City employees piled hot food onto Styrofoam plates for the migrants, some of whom had hopped freight trucks to speed their arrival to the capital.

The new day’s march to Mexico City did not start easily.

Migrants briefly blocked traffic on the busy road to beseech passing lorry drivers for a ride, but none offered one.

The weary caravan participants made it to Cordoba after a 124-mile trek through Veracruz, a state where hundreds of migrants have disappeared in recent years, falling prey to kidnappers looking for ransom payments.

The estimated 4,000 migrants in Veracruz are still hundreds of miles from the nearest US border point.

Central America Migrant Caravan
Central American migrants practice what they call judo (Rodrigo Abd/AP)

The caravan has found strength in numbers as it meanders north, with townspeople coming out to offer food, water, fresh clothes and replacement footwear.

Other migrants who had moved out ahead of the main body rested at a church in Puebla, a city roughly midway between Cordoba and Mexico City.

It is unclear what part of the US border the caravan will aim for eventually, or how many may splinter off on their own.

Most of the migrants said they remain convinced that travelling as a large mass is their best hope for reaching the US.

The migrants generally say they are fleeing rampant poverty, gang violence and political instability primarily in the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.

Mexico Central America Migrant Caravan
Central American migrants pack into the back of a lorry trailer (Marco Ugarte/AP)

“Others went ahead, maybe they have no goal, but we do have a goal and it is to arrive.”

Yuri Juarez, 42, said he knows there’s a “very low” chance he will get asylum in the United States.

But he said he had no way to work back home in Villanueva, Guatemala, where he had to close his internet cafe after gang members extorted him, then robbed his customers and finally stole his computers.

Mexicans along the way have often given a helping hand to the migrants even if their government has clearly tried to discourage them.

The migrant caravan
Migrants bathe in the rain water outside a temporary shelter set up in Veracruz. Mexico (AP)

She gathered 15 others to help make the tacos, fill water bottles and carry fruit to exhausted migrants passing down the road.

Mexico faces the unprecedented situation of having three migrant caravans stretched over 300 miles of road in the states of Chiapas, Oaxaca and Veracruz.

The largest group was the first to enter Mexico, and it has been followed by a group of about 1,000 that crossed over from Guatemala last week and a second of about the same size that waded over the Suchiate River on Friday.

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