Brave breakaway costs Bonney a medal

Brave breakaway costs Bonney a medal

Bonney broke clear on the first of the six 7.7-mile laps at L’Erée and by the end of the next circuit she had established a lead of 1 min 45 sec.However, eventual winner Lynn Patchett from Bermuda took up the chase on the third lap and by the half-way stage had caught the Jersey rider.

Bonney tried to stay with the pack but was dropped on the hill and Patchett went on to win by a staggering 4 min 47 sec.After the race though Bonney was delighted with her performance in her first ever road race in her first Island Games.

‘No matter what happened, I had a fantastic race,’ she said.

‘I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I was surprised no-one broke away on the first lap so I thought I would.

No-one came with me and every time I glanced over my shoulder there was an open road.’Once I was caught I really tried to stay with the Bermudan girl but I just got tired.’Bonney finished seventh, 9 min 43 sec behind Patchett, with Jersey’s Nikki Faux close behind in eighth place and Sue Munns at one lap in 11th.

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