How many officials does it take to change a bulb?

How many officials does it take to change a bulb?

And a catalogue of failure to establish who is responsible for casting light on the situation has led artist André Ferrari to come up with a new variation on the old light bulb joke.’How many Jersey officials does it take to change a light bulb? We don’t know because they haven’t twigged that the bulb is fused yet!’After two years of going down dead ends Mr Ferrari is making one final attempt to get new bulbs put in four street lamps, situated to the west of La Frégate.If it fails he is contemplating asking Jersey Post to issue a series of commemorative stamps in time for the third anniversary.On a more serious note, he said he was amazed there was such indifference to the lamps, considering the recent spate of vandalism.Mr Ferrari’s one-man mission began two years ago with several phone calls to Public Services.’They seemed to be unsure as to whether these particular lights were their responsibility.

By October 2001 a great many other lights on the waterfront promenade and gardens were also being left in darkness for months at a time.

I therefore wrote to the Waterfront Enterprise Board to ask why they were not ensuring that the lighting was not being properly maintained.’As a result, they embarked on a programme of maintenance that got all the lights working again – but not the four by La Frégate.

It appears these are not their responsibility either.’

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