Touch season league finale this week

Touch season league finale this week

‘There was a very slight hiccup with the Rugby Club pitches being out of action for a while, but the staff at Les Quennevais were very helpful and, with the pitches fairly close together there was a good atmosphere.

But we’ve moved back to the Rugby Club now, so the social aspects of the Touch League have picked up again!’All the teams which were new to the league had shown a great improvement in standard, Obarska said, with more than 50 players turning up every Monday evening for training.’Putting the Ladies team into the Men’s B league has really paid off I think, we’ll see the results at the Nationals in two week’s time and they will be a lot more competitive in the European championships.’In the Men’s A League Fumblebees, consisting mainly of Island squad members, haven’t lost a match, but some of the other teams need a bit more depth in their squads, she said.’In the Men’s B a couple of teams at the bottom of the league have struggled – Phoenix consists of mainly fathers and sons but good on them for having a go, they seem to have enjoyed themselves.

In the Mixed C league Phoenix are doing better and its great becuase the team is very family orientated.’An autumn league is being set up for those who want to continue playing through to September and for any new teams who may wish to enter.

Further information from Morag Obarska telephone 07797-714640.

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