Golf:Chevy in red hot form

Golf:Chevy in red hot form

On his home links at Grouville, Le Chevalier, a former Channel Islands champion, led from the first round on Thursday to squeeze out Gavin O’Neill, another ex-pro, by seven shots to finish with a one-under-par total of 279.The two Royal Jersey golfers finished way ahead of the field with O’Neill coming to within three shots of Le Chevalier midway through the final round.Youngster Matthew Parkman enhanced his chances of another senior inter-insular call-up by finishing third on 298 for the four rounds.

Veteran Trevor Gray placed fourth ahead of Robbie Messervy and Stuart Crossan.Le Chevalier’s 279 included three rounds under par – 69 on Thursday and 67 and 68 on Saturday morning and afternoon respectively.Le Chevalier said: ‘It was hard work.

Conditions went from fairly tough on Thursday to almost impossible on Friday before improving again on Saturday.

I’m delighted with my performance – three under-par rounds in those conditions and to finish seven and 19 strokes ahead of the next two golfers was extremely pleasing.’It was a two-horse race going into the final 18 holes and I was in a good position with a five-stroke lead.

‘I had a solid start but let Gavin back in again by three-putting at the seventh and ninth.’Gavin capitalised with birdies at the eighth, ninth and tenth but I managed to roll in a 12-foot putt for a birdie at the tenth to remain just ahead of him.

He then had a bad break off the tee at the eleventh and took a double bogey and five shots up again it was always going to be a long way back for him.’Le Chevalier fired a three-under-par 67 on Saturday morning for the best round of the tournament.He added: ‘I got off to a flier with birdies at the first three holes and that set the round up nicely.

‘Overall it was a good three days.

I played solidly hitting the ball tee to green really well throughout.’Jersey Golf Union secretary and tournament organiser Rob Leader said: ‘Easterly winds are always testing for any golfer at Grouville and Paul and Gavin both played well.

They are in a different league with their play on occasions and for Paul to return a one-under-par four-round total was tremendous achievement.’Le Chevalier, O’Neill and Christy McLaughlin won the team prize while Les Mielles Golf Club’s Paul Walters, Joe Fernandes and John Beattie claimed the handicap trophy, for the first time in their club’s history, following a level par total.Walters also won the individual handicap prize after net scores of 66 and 73 for a one-under-par 139.

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