Jersey jobless total increases

Jersey jobless total increases

At the end of July 357 were registered with the Employment and Social Security Department, compared to 303 at the end of June.

he figures only include those who need to register in order to claim welfare or use other services, such as the job centre.

There is no compulsory system of registration for unemployed people in the Island and the actual number of people out of work is likely to be ‘substantially higher’, according to the department.

he job centre currently have 1,500 jobseekers on their books although some of those may be in work and looking for alternative employment.

uring the month 272 new vacancies were posted, with 74 remaining at the end of July.

enior politicians and chief officers met at the end of June to discuss information contained in a confidential report on the Jersey labour market.

At that time Senator Paul Routier, the president of Employment and Social Security, said although he did not want to cause unnecessary alarm there were ‘many indications that the situation could deteriorate further unless some concerted action is taken’.

enator Routier said this week the group were currently waiting for more information, now that exam results were available, about the number of students leaving school and looking for work.

That is clearly of concern to us,’ he said.

‘Unfortunately we are still in the dark when it comes to the actual number of unemployed, because we do not have comprehensive information.

Of the 357 on the unemployment register at the end of July, 315 have lived in Jersey for ten years or more and 42 for less than ten years but more than one year.

In total there were 231 men and 126 women.

ine people found jobs by their own efforts, six were placed by the job centre, and 45 deregistered because they left the Island, or for other reasons.

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