That’s rich!

That’s rich!

But the cost of housing reduces the difference to around 50 per cent, and widens the gap between the rich and poor in the Island community.The £210,000 survey has been paid for by the Policy and Resources Committee and will help States Members set policy on tax and benefits.

The first set of results has been officially released today, but eventually specific information on those with disability allowance, children at university and households who get rent subsidies will help target benefits.Ultimately, Business Development Research Consultants Ltd (BDRC) will develop a model containing financial information on a range of Jersey households.

The model will enable committees to accurately predict the effects of changes to individual benefits and tax policies.Finance and Economics Committee president Senator Terry Le Sueur said it was too early to say whether the survey showed that more progressive tax measures were justified, but added that it would be helpful to future policy.

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