Rugby Union: Minis learn fast in Portsmouth

Rugby Union: Minis learn fast in Portsmouth

Heavy losses to Brighton and hosts Portsmouth United Services 1sts at the start and end of the ten-minutes each way tournament sandwiched victories against United Services 2nds and Overton RFC.Brighton and United Services, both large clubs with big pools of players to choose from, gave the Jersey youngsters a clear pointer to the standards they must strive for.But Jersey showed they are not exactly bringing up the rear with their two convincing victories.The first, a 42-0 win over United Services 2nds, followed their 47-0 defeat by Brighton and included two tries each for Jersey’s ‘players of the tournament’ full-back Jack Jolley and prop Bruce Spencer-Tucker.

Before that, captain George Burke had opened the scoring and Sam Chinn also crossed the line for a five-pointer.

Jolley converted all six tries.Jolley, Christian Foley and Spencer-Tucker scored the tries in the second match, a 19-12 win over Overton, with pack-leader Spencer-Tucker’s effort voted the try of the tournament, after he had galloped through the opposition from the half-way line.

Jolley convert twice to keep Overton at bay.The final match, against United Services 1sts, although again highlighting the difference in match fitness, had the Jersey side displaying strong character and was a step up of several gears from their early show against Brighton.

Jersey lost 42-0.Squad: Bruce Spencer-Tucker, Theo Jenner, Luke Trotter, Tom Saralis, Tom Ellis, James Le Brocq, George Burke, Robert Tuthill, Stephen Coleman, Christian Foley, Sam Chinn, Jack Jolley, Chris Whitehead and Jared Dowinton.The squad was accompanied by Nigel Metcalfe, Brian Williams and Dr Brian Ellis.

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