Save Emeraude is also demanding that Harbours and Airport president Senator Len Norman apologise to the shipping company for seizing the ferry and to the captain and crew of Solidor V for throwing them off the ship.However, the Senator says he has nothing to apologise for and added: ‘Resignation has never even crossed my mind.
I have already expressed regret for the inconvenience caused to all, including the company and its staff.
The action was regrettable but unavoidable.’Senator Norman also said he had not been contacted by Save Emeraude’s lead campaigner Sean Power.
‘If Mr Power gets in contact I will be happy to meet him and discuss the issues,’ he said.Mr Power said a ‘noisy demonstration’ demanding the resignation of the Harbours and Airport Committee will be held on Tuesday 21 October between 11 am and 2 pm in the Royal Square during the States sitting.’We want to see Emeraude refinanced, restructured and reinstated as the sole operator on the St Helier to St Malo route,’ he said.