Harbours weather storm in States

Harbours weather storm in States

The States voted by 25 votes to 24 to reject Senator Ted Vibert’s proposition after a debate which stretched over two days.

Senator Vibert had put forward the motion of no confidence, mainly over the committee’s handling of the Emeraude affair.He said that the committee had acted dishonestly and dishonourably by first allowing Condor to compete on the route to St Malo and then by seizing the Solidor V over unpaid harbour dues.

And this morning, Senator Vibert said that of the four States Members who were not in the Island for the debate, three had said they would vote for the proposal.

Had they voted with him, the Harbours Committee would not be in office.Committee president Senator Len Norman said he was pleased the vote was over and said that his committee would reflect on the result and try to rebuild the confidence of States Members.’The States voted down the vote of no confidence and, clearly, it’s our duty to continue our work,’ he said.

‘There have been many presidents elected on a small majority, many who have lost their presidencies by a small majority and many important propositions decided on a small majority.

A small majority yesterday did not surprise me.’

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