Bonfire bonanza

Bonfire bonanza

The amount exceeded the expectations of the organisers of the event, who were hopeful of raising in the region of £10,000.

It took five people a total of 30 hours to count all the cash and at the end of it they had bagged or bundled £24,362.59.Committee member Bob Gaiger , who was in charge of the stewards and collectors on the night, described the result as ‘absolutely fantastic’.

He said: ‘We had no idea we were going to raise so much.

We had 50 to 60 people collecting on the night and it wasn’t enough, such was the enthusiasm of people to give to the cause.

People’s generosity was just unbelievable.’Mr Gaiger hopes that a similar event will be held next year, although the same site may not be available if the building of the new hotel has started.

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