Merger plans anger parents

Merger plans anger parents

However, the planned amal-gamation of La Pouquelaye and St Mark’s primary schools has been met with anger by parents, who will present a petition against the move to members of Education, Sport and Culture at a meeting tonight.So far over 200 people have signed the document and a banner saying ‘Save our School’ has been put up outside St Mark’s School.

Parent Sue Pace said: ‘We are not impressed.

Parents and teachers all got a letter on Thursday and a lot of us were very upset.

They have not given us a reason why they want to do this.

And it is such a lovely school.’Jeanette Evans also has children at St Mark’s School.

She said: ‘When I got my letter I rang my friend and told her to open her post.

It was an awful shock.

We discussed it and decided to start the petition.’But Education, Sport and Culture president Senator Mike Vibert said that if the amalgamation of the two schools in 2005 did not go ahead St Mark’s School would have to be closed and its pupils split between the other primary schools in the future.He said: ‘We are faced with a situation of falling demographics in the town area.

The number of children of school age is going down in town and in the Island as a whole due to falling birth rates.

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