Imagine that! A States Assembly which listens

Imagine that! A States Assembly which listens

From Chris Fairbairn.

I REFER to David Râtel’s letter (EP, 3 May) headlined ‘The Island’s future’, in which he referred to a party, still close to my heart, as the party taking every seat in the 2014 States Assembly. Well, I did warn you!

Imagine if our beloved Grosnez Green Party was the ‘States’, and just imagine how it would act on the obscene double taxation which the current band of incumbents imposed so callously on us just a few days ago.

Well, a simple call to a farm high on the northern cliffs confirmed my suspicions, and they involved a payback of every single penny to those who were charged GST, and an apology for not listening back in 2007, and the promise that we would seek independence, as our Bailiff once suggested, to get some sort of order for the future. If this sounds like good common sense, just listen to the rest of the policies of the States in 2014.

A 50p go-anywhere single bus fare, a bug-free hospital, HD Ferries as the prime UK and France ferry operator, free parking for Smart cars, free covered parking for all two-wheelers, and – the one that rings my bells – a States Assembly that listens to those who put it there.

If I may just extend Mr Râtel’s vision . . . I see Lenny Harper selling sunblinds on afternoon TV (taking over from John Stalker), Uncle Frank Walker buying back ‘The Post’ as a revenge on us all, Tantivy Blue Coach running the buses, and lovely Terry Le Sueur taking the deckchair money on the beach at Plémont after the headland has been bought with a legacy left by a retired civil servant with an ecologically friendly political party named after his classic nose.

If you like this, remember: there are elections in October, and I gather that there is still ‘a party in waiting’. There is a chance that we could make 2014 come sooner. Are you with me on this one?

La Rougette, Grande Route de la Côte, St Clement.

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