The purpose of the EU is to avoid border wars

The purpose of the EU is to avoid border wars

From Astrid Kisch.

I IMAGINE Mr R McCredie (JEP 3 July) to be of the older generation and still prejudiced by wartime anti-German propaganda.

Why else would he refer to the European Community as the ‘Fourth Reich’ – a very offensive term to use.

Mr McCredie has obviously not grasped the real purpose of the getting together of 27 countries to live in peace and harmony, some of them former enemies. The real and wonderful purpose for the European Community is to avoid border wars.

Mr McCredie, like the majority of British people, probably knows very little about European history and feels no affinity with Europe. Why else would people use the phrase ‘I am going to Europe’?

The Brits have their cousins in their conquered Empire territories of America, Canada, Australia, South Africa etc, but not in Europe. Therefore I agree with Mr McCredie that Britain probably does not belong to Europe at all, other than on the map, and would be better to say out of it.

Villa Martinique,

Chemin du Moulin,

St Ouen.

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