Did you know Thomas George Wood?

We have been contacted by David Wood, of Kidderminster, who is seeking information about his late father, Thomas George Wood.

Mr Wood was born in London on 7 January 1943, but his parents separated soon after this and he never saw his father again.

‘It’s a jigsaw puzzle really,’ he said. ‘And I’m trying to find the missing pieces. What I do know is that he was a police officer in the Metropolitan Police in London up until about 1948.

‘I also know that at some time in his life he moved to Jersey. He lived at Flat 4, 36 ½ David Place, St Helier. I also know that he died on 18 July, 1971, and was cremated on 22 July. The death was registered by Florence May Wood (née Llewelyn).’

Mr Wood, who is married with two sons, explained that after his mother’s death, he contacted the Salvation Army who supplied him with the information regarding his father’s situation in Jersey.

‘Over the years, I have often wondered what he did with his life and, more intriguing, how he came to live in Jersey. It’s a long shot, I know, but I wondered if any of your readers remembered him, or worked with him.’

Anyone who may be able to help can contact Mr Wood by e-mail to dgwood3@aol.com, by telephone on 01562 67042, or by post to his home address, 8 Kittiwake Drive, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 4RS.

• The late Mr Wood, pictured in the late 1940s when he worked as a police officer

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