GST is another nail in the coffin of your tourism trade

GST is another nail in the coffin of your tourism trade

From A Solman.

BOTH my wife and I are regular visitors to the lovely island of Jersey. We never miss our annual stay and look forward to renewing our happy memories of each and every locale.

Each year, though, there always seems to be another obstacle put into the path of the visitor. Gone are the days of the wonderful choice of night-time entertainment. The cabarets have long gone, and the cost of eating out at a nice restaurant is now out of most visitors’ reach.

A walk into Marks & Spencer soon makes one realise that prices are 6% more expensive, and now this new tax – is it GST? Wow! In the 12 months it will have been in place it will have made £56 million off the backs of residents and visitors alike. No wonder they are embarrassed enough to take it off food at the end of the year. Sorry, guys, this is just another nail in tourism’s coffin.

8 Millcroft,




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