Madeira’s golden boys

MADEIRA’S young talents deservedly won the inaugural triangular Jersey FA International Trophy at Springfield yesterday.

The team (pictured) beat Jersey 2-0, the same scoreline they recorded over Gibraltar on Friday. And as in the first match, only poor finishing kept the scoreline against Jersey to two, although to their credit the home side, who seemed stunned by the ferocity of Madeira’s attacking flair, pace and force in the first ten minutes, recovered well and had a ‘goal’ of their own disallowed just before half-time.

With a more attacking line-up in the second half, following the introduction of Craig Russell and Paul Aitken, they also made enough chances to make this an entertaining and open game with thrills – and misses – in those last 45 minutes for both sides.

The crowd, too, approaching 1,000 (including many of the Island’s Portuguese community), were also enthralled by the standard of play, and afterwards Ricky Weir, president of the Jersey Football Association said: ‘At least half of the spectators seemed pleased by the result! But this was a well organised, successful tournament which ticked all the right boxes.’

On Friday, in their first match, Jersey beat Island Games champions Gibraltar 2-1, the winning goal being scored by Barry Beatson in stoppage time.

• Words: Chris Lake • Tournament pictures: Jon Guegan and Tony Pike

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The celebrations start for the winning Madeiran team

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