Poll result ‘can no longer count’

A CALL for the election in St Helier No 2 District to be annulled and another election to be called has come after two Deputies were charged with breaking the Election Law.

In an e-mail sent to senior figures, including the Attorney General and the Council of Ministers, Senator Terry Le Main said that he had been shocked to hear Deputy Geoff Southern, who is one of those charged, interviewed on the radio and publicly declaring that he had deliberately broken the Election Law.

‘I believe that the St Helier No 2 election result is flawed and that the Royal Court should now declare it null and void, and that a new election should be called,’ the Senator said.

Deputy Southern and Deputy Shona Pitman have been charged with illegally assisting people to complete application forms for a postal voting form. Deputy Southern was also charged in relation to the delivery of that type of form. Both reserved their pleas when they appeared in the Magistrate’s Court and the case was adjourned until 20 February.

• Picture: Deputies Pitman and Southern outside Police Headquarters before they were charged

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