Parish cuts speed limits on a third of roads

Infrastructure Minister Eddie Noel has agreed in a ministerial decision to a host of speed limit changes following proposals by the parish and has now asked for the law to be updated.

Once the law is changed there will be only four 40 mph zones left in the Island’s second most populated parish – down from almost 40.

Roads including Rue des Mans at the top of Mont au Roux and the bend sections on Mont à la Brune, between the Five Mile Road and Les Ormes, will be cut from 40 mph to 30 mph.

The only sections in the parish that will remain at the Island’s maximum speed limit is the southern section of the Five Mile Road, Chemin des Basses Mielles (the road heading inland opposite Le Braye Café) and the two roads which make up the so-called Corbière ring road.

Many of the roads that will be cut from 40 mph are small lanes. Lanes such as Rue de Cônet and Rue des Fosses à Mortier will see the maximum limit dropped from 40 mph to 30 mph, while Mont du Ouaisné – the hill down to Ouaisné – will drop from a 30 mph to 20 mph.

A review of speed limits Islandwide is part of the Road Safety Action Plan 2017.

In St Helier, the Constable Simon Crowcroft has suggested making all roads inside the ring road 20 mph or less.

In March this year Deputy Noel agreed with the Constables’ Committee that each parish would carry out a review of its speed limits. St Brelade is the first to complete its review. There are a total of 84 roads in the parish, of which 36 are due to have their speed limits cut.

Constable Steve Pallett said he receives ‘ad-hoc requests each year from parishioners to reduce speed limits’.

‘The St Brelade Roads Committee decided to take a more holistic view when considering any further changes and conducted a review of all roads, both States and parish, based on criteria agreed with the Department of Infrastructure,’ he said.

‘For most of our roads 30 mph is the maximum speed a driver should go. When making changes we did not want to end up with a 40 mph in the middle of a bunch of 30 mph or a 30 mph in the middle of 20 mph roads.

‘There are some roads in the parish that are 40 mph which should not be.’

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