Artist draws lines in the sand on north coast

Using a rake his great-grandfather put to work on the farm, Mr Coutanche spent about two hours drawing in the sand before sending up a drone to take pictures from the air.

The piece was a ‘trial run’ for a design he hopes will end up more typographical, with more shading.

Mr Coutanche also has other plans in the pipeline, including taking part in a worldwide project in which 17 different artists will be drawing a mandala – a circular shape with repeating patterns that is used in the Buddhist and Hindu religions as a meditation aid – on beaches around the globe.

He is also planning a project in which he hopes to use rubbish found on Jersey beaches to create a piece of art.

‘I have noticed that there is a lot more plastic on the beaches, which seems to be the case everywhere,’ he said.

Commenting on his most recent piece in Giffard Bay, which is to the east of Bonne Nuit and below Les Platons, he said: ‘Sometimes you go down with a set idea of what you are going to do, but often it depends what is on the beach. This one I made up as I went along.

‘You can’t really see what you are doing on the beach. You get an idea but not the full picture, obviously. So it was nice to be able to use the drone to view it from above.’

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