Assaults trial date set for 7 November

Assaults trial date set for 7 November

Antonio Romano Capuano (52), of Midvale Road, pleaded not guilty to using threatening or abusive language at the school at 8.45 am on 18 September within the hearing or sight of others that was likely to cause distress or alarm.

On the same occasion, he also denies assaulting the teacher. At a previous hearing, the court was told he allegedly threatened to slap her in the face with a fish he was carrying in a plastic bag.

In total, Mr Capuano is facing six alleged offences committed within the space of nine days.

Among the other allegations is that on 12 September he punched a man after he was challenged for parking his car at John Wesley Apartments, a place where he does not live.

He is also alleged to have punched another man in Albert Street on 9 September and faces a second charge of using threatening language on that occasion. Mr Capuano admits causing malicious damage to a lock at a property in Midvale Road on 9 September.

Advocate Alexander English, defending, said that the defendant pleaded not guilty to the charges of spitting at a police officer and also assaulting the deputy headteacher.

The defendant was remanded in custody until the first of his trials, which is due to take place on 7 November.

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