Murderer is due to be jailed for life today

Murderer is due to be jailed for life today

Jamie Lee Warn killed Zsuzsanna Besenyei (37) in May last year and hid her corpse in the boot of her car before disposing of her remains at Le Pulec beach on the Island’s west coast three days later.

He then left her car on the beach at St Aubin to make it appear as though she had taken her own life.

Warn (55) denied murder and perverting the course of justice but was convicted by a majority verdict by a jury after almost seven hours of deliberation.

Zsuzsanna Besenyei

The Royal Court’s Superior Number, which convenes for the most serious offences, was today due to deliver a mandatory life sentence and set Warn’s tariff – the minimum period he must serve before he can apply for parole.

During the trial, jurors heard how Warn killed the Hungarian national on 10 May before engaging in an elaborate cover-up, including using his victim’s mobile phone, in an attempt to ‘literally get away with murder’.

The prosecution case relied largely on circumstantial evidence, as no cause of death could be ascertained due to the condition of Miss Besenyei’s body when it was found.

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