Jersey International Air Display: Biplanes added to schedule

Jersey International Air Display: Biplanes added to schedule

The Antonov AN-2, also known by its pilots as ‘Annie’, featured during last year’s event and, if flying into a 35 mph headwind at a speed of 30mph, it will fly backwards at 5 mph.

Deputy Mike Higgins, the display’s organiser, said: ‘It is a firm favourite and a lot of people like it as it is able to come so close to the crowd.

‘If permission is granted by the Civil Aviation Authority, we are hoping to operate it from the beach for a landing and take-off.

‘Hopefully it will encourage the people who watch the display from Noirmont and elsewhere to come down into St Aubin’s Bay and see it up close.’

Deputy Higgins added that another biplane, a 300 horsepower Pitts S2S aerobatics aircraft, had also been booked.

The plane, piloted by Rich Goodwin, is equipped with a six cylinder 8.5-litre engine, allowing it to travel up to 200mph and subject its operator to positive 6G and minus 5G.

‘Pilots with thousands of hours, whether they are military, private or commercial look at him [Rich Goodwin] in amazement at what he can do.

‘The plane is just so powerful and Rich can essentially make it hang off its propeller while pointing up at the sky and still keep the thing airborne.

‘The flick-rolls he can do too are just phenomenal – it is really the pilot’s choice of aircraft to watch.’

The Jersey International Air Display is due to take place on 13 September.

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