Children burning school uniforms caused wildfire

Children burning school uniforms caused wildfire

The Fire and Rescue Service has completed an investigation into the cause of the fire, which took place on Tuesday 16 July. A spokeswoman for the service said the cause was ‘accidental’ and no further action would be taken.

The JEP understands that the young people involved, and their parents, were spoken to following the incident. They are due to dealt with ‘appropriately, with suitable words of advice’, the spokeswoman said.

The fire spread over an area of about 2,500 square metres – a third of the size of a football pitch. No homes were affected although a fence did sustain some minor damage.

Fire crews were called to scene, near Mont Huelin, at about 9.15pm.

Both duty and on-call firefighters were on the scene for over two hours tackling the flames and damping down the area to ensure it was safe.

A restorative-justice plan – which could involve those responsible for the blaze helping in the area – could be considered.

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