‘Super foster-mum’ chough dies

‘Super foster-mum’ chough dies

Gianna was brought to the Island seven years ago from Turin in Italy after being found injured on a balcony of a block of flats by staff from the Universita di Medicina Veterinaria.

After she spent the summer in Jersey, staff at Durrell deemed that she was too tame to be released into the wild and it is thought that the bird was raised as a pet. As a result, she was recruited into the Birds on the Edge project.

Although she never laid any fertile eggs, over the years the bird, thought to have been around three years old when she was first brought to Jersey, fostered and helped rear a number of chicks from other birds.

And in 2018, vets from the UK and Durrell carried out specialist surgery on her eyes to remove two cataracts and restore her vision.

According to a post on the Birds on the Edge blog written by Liz Corry, which announced Gianna’s death, some of the chicks she fostered also went on to have their own young.

‘During her time at Jersey Zoo she has acted as an ambassador for the choughs. Her friendly demeanour meant she always came to the front of the aviary for the keeper talks,’ Ms Corry said.

‘In recent years her confidence grew and she would allow certain visitors to tickle her through the mesh under my supervision. This simple interaction made people suddenly appreciate that birds have personalities.’

Ms Corry added that problems for the bird began last month when she was found on the floor of her enclosure soaking wet from the rain and motionless. Despite the best efforts of vets and keepers, she died on 11 November.

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