Jersey records lowest annual number of deaths since 2014

Government of Jersey offices in The Parade. Coronavirus Covid-19 press conference address to the island. Deputy Richard Renouf Picture: ROB CURRIE

The Jersey Mortality Statistics report shows that 750 residents died in 2020, with circulatory system diseases and cancers accounting for 60% of deaths.

Covid-19 was responsible for 7% of all deaths in the Island – compared to 12% in England and Wales – with 55% of Covid deaths occurring in the Hospital.

Health Minister Richard Renouf said: ‘There has been an improvement in death rates in recent years with age standardised mortality rates on a downward trend year on year; this continued into last year despite being in a global pandemic.’

He added: ‘The decrease in number of deaths from illnesses and diseases other than Covid-19 could have been a result of shielding and keeping our vulnerable at home through lockdowns and restricting movement within the community. GPs worked closely with vulnerable Islanders at the start of the pandemic to monitor health and ensure they were keeping well.’

The average age at death was 79.

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