Developers appeal against rejection of plans for flats in St Brelade

Fair Acre Picture: ROB CURRIE. (35035387)

DEVELOPERS have lodged an appeal against the rejection of plans to build apartments in St Brelade.

Dandara submitted an application to demolish a property called Fair Acre, on Route Orange, in order to build 13 two-bedroom flats. It was their third attempt to develop the site.

In October the Planning Committee judged that the proposed development would contravene policies set out in the Bridging Island Plan and rejected it.

They said that the ‘proposed development, by virtue of its mass and scale, would be dominant and intrusive, thereby unreasonably affecting the character and amenity of the area and the environment’.

Dandara have appealed against that decision. The appeal hearing, which is due to take place on Monday 6 February at 2pm, will be considered by solicitor David Hainsworth, who will be sitting as planning inspector.

The initial planning application for the site, which received nearly 90 objections, was withdrawn by Dandara. A second application – for 15 two-bedroom units submitted in 2020 – was then refused by the Planning Committee due to the scheme’s ‘mass, scale, height, design and large imposing bland side gable ends [that] would be dominant and intrusive’.

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