'Spate of thefts from cars' on the Waterfront

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (35119726)

THERE has been a ‘spate of thefts’ of valuables from cars on the Waterfront, according to a town Deputy.

Members of the Waterfront Residents Association were due to meet today to discuss various issues affecting the area, including the thefts and anti-social behaviour.

A representative from the States police has also been asked to attend.

St Helier South Deputy Tom Coles said: ‘There had been a spate of thefts, with items being visible in cars.

‘I would advise people to make sure your car is locked and avoid making it a clear target.

‘People should make sure they don’t leave things on display.’

At a meeting in November, residents raised the issues of loud noise caused by motorbikes, with PC Joe Richardson attending on behalf of States police.

Written minutes from the meeting highlighted that residents were being encouraged to ‘whistleblow’ when it came to repeat offenders of anti-social behaviour in the area, given limited police resources.

The minutes stated: ‘From our previous meetings a number of concerns around anti-social behaviour had been raised.

‘PC Richardson confirmed that there had been two reports of anti-social behaviour in the 30 days leading up to the November meeting; however, little police action had been taken due to limited resources and other higher priority issues.’

Today’s meeting was due to take place at 6pm at Cooper’s in Castle Quay. The States police declined to comment.

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