Kenyan workers donate time and wages to local charities


SEASONAL construction workers from Kenya are supporting local charities and elderly and vulnerable people as well as environmental projects by donating their wages and volunteering on weekends.

Employed by local recruitment firm GR8, the workers are in the Island on nine-month contracts, with some having experience of projects in Afghanistan for the US and UK governments.

GR8 managing director Lee Madden said: ‘It was quiet over Christmas, so we offered them [the construction workers from Kenya] some paid work at our offices.

‘We were taken completely by surprise when they said they wanted to donate their wages to the Highlands Foundation, which does magnificent work supporting local students, and to a cause close to their hearts in Kenya.’


Alongside donating their wages to the Highlands Foundation and Nyumbani Children’s Home in Kenya, the team of workers are also volunteering one weekend per month.

According to Mr Madden, a cheque for £1,200 was donated to the children’s charity.

Ayub Omondio, who has worked in Jersey for nine months, said: ‘As a group of Kenyans we are extremely grateful to the Island of Jersey for making us welcome and to repay that generosity, we want to give something back to Jersey by providing our skills and our time to those that need help and support.’

In addition, Mr Omondio and colleagues will provide assistance to local charities who may need repairs or support at fundraising events, as well as supporting environmental projects.

Mr Madden added: ‘What really impressed me was that they also said they wanted to carry on supporting the community here and this just shows what a fantastic group of guys they are. We will be launching a charity scheme in the next few weeks, and as we are getting it off the ground, we have already had a request from one local charity for their help.’

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