Plan to turn holiday lets in St Ouen's Bay into homes

La Rocco Apartments Picture: DAVID FERGUSON. (35165788)

PLANS to turn existing holiday-let units at La Pulente into residential apartments to create ‘new family housing’ have been submitted.

If approved, the 24 La Rocco self-catering apartments would be converted to become 19 homes.

A report accompanying the plans states: ‘The original and oldest building on site, building two, was constructed post-World War Two as a modest hotel, known as The California Hotel.

‘The building has been modified and extended over the years, culminating in the general form we see today…’

The report adds: ‘These proposals look to make a positive contribution to the Island’s housing stock by refurbishing holiday lets to provide new family housing.’

The scheme includes a reduction in the number of existing units – 11 two-bedroom and eight one-bedroom apartments would replace the existing six two-bedroom and 18 one-bedroom self-catering properties.

In addition, the applicants, La Rocco 2 Ltd, say that the new designs seek to respond to climate change – in response to requirements set out in the Bridging Island Plan – with the addition of electric bike and vehicle-charging stations as well as new bike- and bin-storage facilities.

The report adds: ‘The proposal is a resilient and adaptable building design.

‘[There will be] improvement on the Island’s green infrastructure with the inclusion of electric bike and vehicle charging.’

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