Specialised dogs to help search for missing Islander

Thomas Frost

SPECIALISED dogs are expected to arrive in the Island imminently to carry out searches of wooded areas close to where missing Islander Thomas Frost was last seen.

Mr Frost disappeared on Saturday 11 February having been at his parents’ house near L’Etacq on the night of Saturday 11 February.

Despite an intensive search focusing within a 750-metre radius of the property and involving numerous agencies including the States and honorary police, Coastguard and Fire and Rescue Service, there has since been no trace of the 51-year-old.

So far, more than 225 search task have been carried out and police search divers from the UK have scoured water areas, including some parts of the coastline, but gave a high level of assurance that Mr Frost was not in the areas of water they had searched, according to the States police.

A peer review by Avon and Somerset Police has been conducted with a recommendation to search wooded areas within a two-kilometre radius. Specialised search dogs are being brought in to carry this out and are expected to arrive imminently.

Mr Frost is described as being 5ft 10, of medium build with greying hair. It’s believed that he is wearing a crimson red T-shirt underneath a navy shirt with white buttons and navy jeans and that he may also have been wearing a light grey hoodie. He also may be wearing a light grey hoodie over his shirt and it is still thought that he didn’t have shoes on him when he disappeared.

Anyone with information should call police on 01534 612612, option 2, option 4.

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