Reduced speed limits brought in on 14 roads

Picture: ROB CURRIE (35474194)

DRIVERS face the prospect of cautions and enforcement action after new speed limits were introduced on 14 roads in St Clement.

Parish Constable Marcus Troy said he was pleased to see new maximum speed signs put up this week, the culmination of a campaign to increase safety that was started by his predecessor, the late Len Norman.

Most of the affected roads have seen a reduction of 10mph in the speed limit, although in two cases – Rue du Bourg and Vieux Chemin – the 40mph limit has been halved.

Mr Troy said the issue had been one he had inherited when he was elected in July 2021 following the death of long-serving Mr Norman the previous month.

He said: ‘It was part of my manifesto and I picked it up after Len had originally started the campaign, working in partnership with the Infrastructure Department. The move is very much to move towards considering the safety of pedestrians, cyclists and horse-riders – there will be new “smiley face” signs to remind motorists and our honorary police will be cautioning motorists and then enforcing the limits as we go further.’

The new limits were determined following a consultation process last summer which brought 219 responses, with 91% supporting the principle of reducing speed limits to make roads safer.

Mr Troy said that areas around schools had been a particular focus, with the biggest reductions in Rue du Bourg and Vieux Chemin reflecting two areas that had been considered particularly hazardous.

The other roads affected are:

  • 40mph to 30mph: Grande Route de St Clement (Rue Graut to parish boundary with Grouville).

  • 30mph to 20mph: Rue de Causie, Rue de la Chapelle, Rue de la Croix, Rue de Samarès, Rue du Hocq, Rue du Pignon, Rue du Pontlietaut, Rue Hamel, Rue de Jambart, Rue de Maupertuis.

  • 30mph to 15mph: La Petite Sente.

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