Grants of up to £5,000 are made for health initiatives

Deputy Elaine Millar Picture: ROB CURRIE. (35640598)

MORE than 40 initiatives designed to improve Islanders’ physical or mental health have received government grants, with a new phase of the funding programme now being open.

Grants of up to £5,000 have been provided through the Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities scheme, which was initially launched in 2022.

Inviting applications for the second phase of the scheme, which can be made until 19 May, Social Security Minister Elaine Millar said the previous grants had made a real difference to the community.

She said: ‘The Covid pandemic may be behind us, but the effects of isolation are still here and that’s why this scheme is so important.

‘Different people are attracted to different activities and the wider the variety and access to them, the more likely we are to reach people who are struggling with isolation.’

Among the initiatives to have benefited previously is a women’s basketball league, a church outdoor community group, art and craft programmes, walking football and an allotment project.

All organisations with experience in providing opportunities for Islanders to participate in arts or physical activities can apply, outlining how they would intend to use the grants to expand their schemes, rather than putting the money to existing operational budgets.

Anyone seeking further information on Connect Me: Connecting Our Communities should contact Paul McGinnety – – or Edward Jewell –

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