Islander threatened to kill woman and sent message warning: 'Today is the day'

A 59-YEAR-OLD woman who made three threats to kill her sister and her sister’s family has been bound over to be of good behaviour for six months but warned that similar offences in the future could result in prison.

Susan Ann Louis – who has 19 previous convictions for 44 offences – had been subject to a restraining order, banning her from contacting her sister for seven years.

But the Magistrate’s Court heard that Louis had breached the order three times in the past three months by sending a family member threatening messages on Facebook, which she told the individual to pass on to Louis’s sister.

In the messages she claimed she had paid someone to kill her sister and her family.

In the final message, she wrote: ‘Today is the day.’

Louis at first denied the offences and had been due to stand trial, but changed her plea to guilty when she appeared in court yesterday.

Advocate Adam Harrison, prosecuting, said that four of Louis’s previous convictions were for breaching restraining orders. He added that others were for violence, so her sister had feared that the threats were genuine.

‘She thought Mrs Louis was going out of her way to torment her,’ he said.

Advocate James Bell, defending, said that Louis’s sister had made abusive comments to Louis in the past and added: ‘It’s not one-way traffic.

‘She has let her frustration bubble over into angry words. That is the extent of her offending – angry words.’

The seven-year restraining order has 18 months left to run. Advocate Bell argued that it should not be extended and that a binding-over order could be imposed instead.

Assistant Magistrate Peter Harris agreed, saying: ‘We have tried binding-over orders, which have been partially successful.’

Imposing the order, he warned Louis: ‘If you commit another offence in the next six months, you will be back in court.

‘If that offence is the breach of a restraining order, you could be looking at going to prison.’

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