Man jailed for "unprovoked attack" on woman in her own home

Leon David Chevalier. (37709085)

A MAN who assaulted a woman in her home in an “unprovoked attack” and stole her prescription medication has been jailed for 19 months.

Leon David Chevalier knocked his victim to the ground when she told him to put the stolen items back and also punched a police officer while in custody, the Royal Court heard yesterday.

Chevalier went to the woman’s home and repeatedly asked to be allowed in in the early hours of 11 June last year.

Crown Advocate Luke Sette, prosecuting, said the woman eventually let him in, but when she went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea he entered her bedroom and found her medicine.

She confronted him, and Crown Advocate Sette said: “He grabbed her clothes and kicked her legs from under her so that she fell to the ground twice.”

She suffered bruises to her elbow and scratches to her back and neck, and complained of pain on her right side, the court heard.

The Crown Advocate said that when police found the medication in his bag, Chevalier claimed his victim had planted it there.

Later in a police cell he punched a police officer in the face, the court was told.

The court also heard that on 18 February last year he had stolen a bottle of wine and two packets of smoked salmon, together worth £15, from the Coop in Georgetown.

At first Chevalier admitted only the theft from the Coop, but later also admitted assaulting a police officer.

The court heard that he continued to deny assaulting the woman and stealing her medication, but was found guilty of common assault and theft following a jury trial in the Royal Court this year.

The court heard that Chevalier was considered at high risk of reoffending, and Crown Advocate Sette recommended a sentence of 17 months.

Advocate David Steenson, defending, said that Chevalier still protested his innocence in relation to the two charges for which the jury had found him guilty.

And of the assault on the police officer, the lawyer pointed out: “It was an injury to his lip, caused by a single punch.”

Advocate Steenson added that Chevalier hoped to take an Open University degree and said: “He is trying to better himself. He is a voracious reader and writer.

“In my submission, 17 months is slightly on the high side.”

However, Deputy Bailiff Robert MacRae said the Jurats had opted for a 19-month sentence.

He said: “The victim no longer feels safe in her home.

“This was a wholly unprovoked attack on a vulnerable woman. It has had a profound effect on her and you have shown no remorse whatsoever.”

Mr MacRae was joined by Jurats David Le Heuzé and Michael Entwistle.

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