Man who choked woman and banged her head against door frame found guilty of grave and criminal assault


A MAN who seriously assaulted a woman – throwing her around, banging her head against a door frame and choking her to the point that she nearly passed out – has been found guilty of grave and criminal assault.

Andrew Page attacked the woman at a property in December 2022. He initially contacted the police claiming that she had assaulted him, but after further inquiries it was discovered that he had been the aggressor.

He denied the offence but was found guilty following a trial in the Royal Court this week. The 45-year-old was remanded into custody and his sentencing date will be set next week.

Detective Constable Verity Thomas, from the Public Protection Unit, said: “This was a deliberate and nasty assault carried out by Page.

“Behaviour like this should never be tolerated. We will do everything in our power to see offenders such as this face justice. Anyone else who has experienced similar abuse can come forward and speak to officers at any time.”

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