Islanders apply for access to work scheme

Islanders apply for access to work scheme

In January the government announced that it had launched an Access to Work scheme – a one-year pilot geared at funding workplace aids or equipment by providing grants of up to £5,000 to locally qualified Islanders with sensory, mobility or other disabilities.

A total of £100,000 has been ring-fenced from the Back to Work scheme to fund the pilot to pay for items such as specialised seating and ergonomic office equipment as well as screen-reading or text software.

According to a recently published freedom of information request there have been seven applications to the scheme since it launched.

The request, which was not made by this paper, also asked how many applications had been refused. However, the response states that this information would not be disclosed as the ‘number is small and may identify individuals’. The response adds: ‘Of the applications completed to date, the average amount per claim is £193.46.’

According to the response promotional materials about the scheme have been sent to States departments and third-sector groups and the grant has also been advertised on the States Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

Access to Work is only open to people who are already employed or who have a firm job offer and who have Entitled or Entitled to Work residential status. For more information log on to

Employers who are interested in the Access to Work grant for their employees should ask their employees to apply directly.

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