Giant Earth replica ‘Floats’ into Queen’s Valley reservoir

Today, strollers around Queen’s Valley are in for a captivating surprise – a colossal replica of planet Earth will grace the reservoir as the latest addition to ArtHouse Jersey’s “No Place Like Home” exhibition.

Set against the picturesque backdrop of Queen’s Valley reservoir, Luke Jerram’s ten-metre “Floating Earth” is poised to shift our gaze towards the future of our planet. This remarkable project has been nurtured with the support of Jersey Water.

Appearing deceptively simple, the ten-metre globe is crafted from fabric adorned with high-resolution imagery sourced from NASA. Its internal lighting system adds an ethereal quality to the installation. However, beneath the surface of the water, it conceals a substantial eight tons of mooring gear, endowing it with the ability to withstand winds of up to 40mph.

“Floating Earth,” accompanied by a special soundtrack, will grace Queen’s Valley reservoir from Thursday, 14th September, to Sunday, 24th September. More information here, including where to park.

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