No entry at ports to ‘undesirables’?

No entry at ports to ‘undesirables’?

It is not yet clear who will be classed as an ‘undesirable’, but Home Affairs president Senator Wendy Kinnard said: ‘We are not talking about law-abiding citizens.’The Criminal Justice Focus Groups will also consider asking UK and other authorities to pick up drug mules at their point of departure rather than letting them get on a plane to the Island.A significant percentage of people serving lengthy prison sentences at La Moye were arrested carrying heroin and other illegal drugs as they stepped off the boat or the plane.They have no links to the Island, but are costing Island taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds in prison and legal aid costs.Senator Kinnard said she did not like the word ‘undesirable’, but added she could not think of a better one and stressed that any more concrete proposals would have to be well scrutinised and human rights compliant.

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